Digital Plant design

Digital Plant design is a great base for future maintenance of a site, using the latest tools and technologies, a design for a plant, site, machine or process can be stored to be used in future expansion, calculations or in place updates. Control Automation Solutions can help you digitalize a plant or machine design for existing assets, but also for new assets. By using current technology, Control Automation Solutions can set up a work environment for digitalization, and implement the standards like reports and documents that are required for these systems to provide the output required to be useful. Storing and maintaining the database resulting from the initial work, will be a great asset for a plant, as the database can be used in combination with other tools to provide added value for the owner.

Digitalizing existing assets

To start digitalization on an existing site, Control Automation Solutions can create a new database for you in a digitalization tool. Control Automation Solutions can then go through the site or asset to capture all data in the database. This data can then be used to do a lot of added value work, like make it easier to update the system, create a simulation base for efficiency testing with or without AI components, or AR based training simulation to get operator familiar with situations in which they need to act quickly.

Digitalizing an existing asset is especially important if paper documentation of the asset are relied on, as in many cases the paper documentation will need to be redrawn in case of any addition or changes to the site. By keeping a digital design version of the system, any addition, change or update can be done without having to take a paper or pdf version of the old documentation and recreating them, before applying the change to them.

Digitalizing new assets

When starting the implementation of a new asset on a site. Taking the time to create a digital design will be worth the investment from the start of the concept. By creating a digital design first, simulations of the assets can be done to determine the parameters for construction, and these can be saved in the design system. Once simulated, tested and approved, the build process can use all the data directly from the design database, leading to a shorter build time. Having all build departments work on the same database will also keep all departments update to all changes, and will lead to far less communication delays then other workflows.

Updates / Revamps or migrations

In the case that an update or revamp needs to be done on an asset, creating a digital template before starting the work, will make sure that the existing working situation is captured before anybody touches the asset. Adding the revamp changes to the digital system on a revamp work layer, will allow the changed to be mapped and approved before starting any work on the actual asset. This will keep the asset in operation for longer, and reduce the down time for the revamp or update.

In case of a migration, the currently working asset can be fully simulated based on the digital version of the asset. During the build phase of the project, the asset can also be simulated with the new migrated control systems. Using these type of workflows, projects will be executed with less disruption to the operation and more work can be done before the asset is taken out of operation for the upgrade or migration.