IT for educational institutions

Building IT infrastructure for educational institutions security and self service are very important, and also very difficult to implement. Control Automation Solutions has been implementing IT systems in schools, colleges and high schools for 15 years, and we have knowledge of many different educational software applications.

Servers and infrastructure

Control Automation Solutions has done many servers for educational institutions. Coming from Novell Netware, and having done many Windows Servers for the last 10 years, we know what is important for our customers. Control Automation Solutions is a service provider that thinks with our customers and helps to implement a complete, turn-key, solutions to reduce the time our customers is having to spend on setting up their IT systems. Control Automation Solutions can setup the server systems, data security and backups, email, user login and profiles and any type of databases or other infrastructure application or functionality you require.

Networking and cyber security

Networking and wireless networking is one of the most important factors in providing a secure IT systems. Control Automation Solutions is a very competent partner when it comes to networking and network security. We do a lot of cyber security according to the ISA 99 or IEC 62443 standards, in the industrial projects, and are able to transfer those standards and core concepts over to any other IT system we implement. This means a proven and reliable security system which can be audited by tools, and certified by certification authorities.


Control Automation Solutions can build, deliver and setup desktop, laptop and tablet workstation for all students and employees in your organisation. We also manage and environment where people can bring their own device, and make sure that those devices are secured and safe.

Managed IT

For smaller schools Control Automation Solutions can manage the complete IT system, including administration and monthly maintenance. This will reduce the workload for the local IT admin, and give the local IT admin more time to focus on their primary task.

E-learing and remote teaching

Control Automation solutions is a specialist in remote teaching and remote meeting environments, having done setups for many companies, we know exactly what is required to create a secure remote teaching environment. Also for e-learning we have tested an worked with many tools en setups for our own e-learning classes on PLC technology.

Cloud and Hybrid cloud

If you are looking at implementing cloud or hybrid could solutions for your school, Control Automation Solutions can advice and implement cloud systems for you. We can build a new environment for you in a cloud environment, or even migrate your current environment to the cloud. If you would like to know what the options are, please contact us.