Green Energy

The future of energy consumption is in using only renewable energy. This is a major task in the coming years, especially because the demand for energy keeps rising resulting in unstable power delivery to consumers. Control Automation Solutions has a focus on using smart technologies to ensure stable renewable power delivery to consumers and industrial sites.

Solar energy

The Control Automation Solutions electrical engineering team is ready install solar panels and the electrical infrastructure required, including a storage pack for any business, out team is can design a system based on the customers requirements.

Hydrogen energy

Because a lot of natural gas infrastructure will be used for hydrogen transport in future, Control Automation Solutions can assist our customers in migrating their current assets into hydrogen capable assets. These assets might include gas turbines, compressors and their pipeline systems. Also automation the storage monitoring, filling, hydrogen process and condition monitoring are assets Control Automation Solutions can design and automate.

Smart grids

Smart grids are important in our current energy delivery to customers. Control Automation Solutions can help businesses, consumers and grid companies to use smart grid technologies like monitoring, automation, AI and predictive technologies to make sure power is delivered where it is requires at the correct time. With our switch gear systems that can be controlled and monitored by automation, we can easily create a system that will allow our customers to gain insight in their network, and be actively involved in creating value for their customers.

Building automation

Building automation and home automation is a great way to have a more energy efficient home or office. Control Automation Solutions can implement building automation systems in any office that will make the office a great place to work in, but also save on money by monitoring the environment and adapting the cooling, light, heating, ventilation and other variables accordingly.


Control Automation Solutions can provide chargers for Electric Vehicles for companies. Besides the charger stations, we also supply the electrical infrastructure and solar chargers to make the system a green solutions.