IIOT Studio is a system that is designed to collect, store and analyse all types of data generated by an industrial site. This data can range from instrumentation data all the way to financial data, video streams of cameras around the premise or other types of data that are useful when stored over long periods of time to analyse them in future.


To start gathering data, IIOT studio offers a range of options to collect data. IIOT studio can connect directly to machines, process control systems, field components like sensors, remote IO or remote terminal units, and upload that data to a main data storage system. IIOT Studio can also gather data from computer systems like HMI servers, ERP systems (Like SAP), maintenance applications and digital engineering systems to store associated data with the field data.

This way we can use that data in the same way as the automation or field data when making analyses. One more data stream IIOT studio can read and process is camera, video or picture information. With these input sources, IIOT Studio can store all kinds of data from an industrial site, in a common way, so analytics tools can use a common format to read all data coming from your industrial site now and in future.


In the IIOT Studio systems data is always stored locally and can be forwarded to a single or redundant high capacity storage solutions. When collecting data, our collector devices (physical and virtual) will store all the data locally in a database. During the configuration of the system we can specify the maximum time that this data is kept in the local database. This data can be used locally on the collector if the system is small, and the application is only used for reporting based on the local collector. When the data is required for longer safe keeping or is to be combined with data from another system, a high capacity central storage unit can be configured. This high capacity storage unit will then receive the data from the collector unit at regular intervals and it will store the data for many years.


There are many ways that data stored in a data collector can be used. All data collectors come with an onboard visualisation and reporting tool. This reporting and visualisation tool van be configured through a web portal and so the user can have direct access to all the collected data through this visualisation system. When the data is forwarded to a high capacity storage system, a reporting and visualisation tool can also be used from that server or from a connection visualisation client. The visualisation on the high capacity storage system will have the added benefit of being able to visualise and report all data that comes in to that system, so more elaborate reports or visualisation for data analysis can be made.

A second way to use the data is through our AI based analytics client. This system will be connected to the high capacity storage system, as it requires high data throughput, and can then be trained to recognise certain patterns, where it can then assist you in making decisions or assist operators during a high load or high stress situation.


Setting up IIOT studio for the environment it will be required to work in is made very easy by the engineering software that comes with the IIOT Studio system. The engineering software will detect the new data collector on the network and setting it up is a matter of right clicking the device and editing the settings. In the software system the drivers and tags can be defined and downloaded to the data collector device so it can run the configuration as a standalone box. Due to the standards used the data collection system works the same as any other industrial device when it comes to setting it up and configuration.


  • S7
  • S7 Redundant
  • S7 over MPI
  • OPC DA
  • OPC UA
  • Modbus TCP
  • Modbus RTU