The latest european wide cyber security laws are going to take effect soon. This law, commonly knows as NIS 2, will have impact on industrial companies as well as many others. If you are a manufacturing company or you are in the pharmaceutical or food and beverage industries, you will need to comply to the new law regarding cyber security.

Control Automation Solutions can help you as a company director to get up to speed on what this would mean for your company, we can also help you to get your company fully compliant to the latest laws. As the law will demand not only your IT systems to be resilient and compliant but also your OT systems will need to adhere to the same standards as the IT cyber security standards.

What is expected of you as a company director or company?

  • You have to have a cyber risk analysis
  • Digital business continuity must be controlled
  • Settings and configurations of devices must be secure
  • Patch and update policies must be implemented so patches are executed
  • Access to information must be limited adequately
  • Multi factory authentication must be enabled on devices
  • Antivirus and antimalware systems must be used
  • Prepare your employees to recognise digital attacks

To start to make your company NIS 2 compliant you can contact Control Automation Solutions and we will help you to get ready for the new law.