Production Manager is a middleware framework that connects the corporate planning system with the production planning system. Using different interfaces and connections, Control Automation Solutions can make it easy for you to plan you production schedule based on what orders you get from your customers. Digitalising the data that needs to go between a corporate order intake and execution system and a production system is usually done by means of printing the order list, and reentering the data. With Production Manager all of the data links, prioritisation, monitoring, reporting and material management can be done automatically. No longer can people make mistakes in quantities, incorrect labelling or other processes that will cost you product.

Control Automation Solutions - Production Manager

Production manager is based on the well established ISA 95 framework and has modules to fulfil all the required functions to process data between business and production environments. If you already have software tools that fulfil a role in the ISA 95 framework, then production manager can be made to interface with that application. Using ISA 95 Control Automation Solutions can identify where your organisation should set up digital data interfaces, and where digitalisation is already working. Knowing where to spend extra effort will make transforming your organisation to Industry 4.0 a lot more smooth.

Control Automation Solutions - ISA 95 Model